Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is my final project. i had saved this as a JEPG image so that i would be able to insert it in the blog and in my project in word. apart of saving it as a JEPG image i also saved it as a Publisher document because i had experience of opening my designs into Puiblisher, and i couldnt because it was a JEPG image and it couldnt convert it into a publisher Document.

Friday, November 9, 2007

today i had shown my teacher the newlstter that i had edited to correct the spelling mistakes. i had also edited my flow chart as i had to make my plan section more clear and specific by putting it in a form of steps in order. overall today i had finished my create section and next lesson i had planned what i am going to do: show my newletter to the teahcer and start my evaluation.
As i forgot to write on my blog yesterday, i will describe what i did yesterday. yesterday i had finished my plan which was creating a flowchart. this took me 10 minutes as i started it the lesson before. then i went up to the community and service board that is up in the senior school hall and i chose one of the activities the community and service club is doing to help other peopl around them. i chose the plastic bag project where you have to collect plastic bags and give them to a charity which distributes them to other charities, this charity is called Banco Alimentar and it needs plastic bags to hand out the food in them. after i chose the activity i created a newletter about this project and i edited the design which i chose from the publisher 2007 designs. my design that i chose wasnt from any of the ones i mentioned in my design. overall i finished it all and i am giong to go on to my next step which is Evaluate/ Evaluation.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Today i started creating a scrap newsletter about the cinema and the new movies i tried out all kind of designs and colours and i continued watching the demo movies that guided me to my result. i found it fun and i explored and figured out many things on it as it is the version of 2007. not only that i did the newsletter but i found out about some new movies that are going to be showing.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today, in our IT class we started answering some questions on our newsletter project. I also watched five demos on how to use publisher 2007 and make buissness cards, newsletters and other things too. It was pretty cool I think that by next lesson ill be able to continue watching some other demos of microsoft publisher 2007 and MAYBE even starting to do design and decide decisions for the newsletter that are done for the charity companies.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Today i learnt about the safety of the blog i blocked all people from entering my blog except my teacher, Ms. Dietrich. this is because their are some complains that their has to be safety in our blogs.
Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from

Friday, September 7, 2007


today we learnt how to put on our blogs links in 2 different ways!!!
like this:



today we also learnt how to add a video link through copying the embed which i have never done before! i put a really funny video which is about all kind of water bloopers i took this video from


Today i learnt how to insert an image on my blog!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today was our first I.T class for the year with our new teacher, Ms. Dietrich she told us a bit about what we are going to do this year in Yr. 9 and a bit about the Technology department.

We (the class) then watched the technology depatrment powerpoint presentation about the responsabilities and the goals of the department. After finishing watching the powerpoint presentation we learnt how to make a blog to write our reflection on our new project, the signadou journal about charity companies. I thought it was pretty easy and i did it quite fast as i used my e-mail address that didnt need to go through the long proccess. Aftreall this lesson was fun as we learnt new things and started the project!!!